Board of Trustees

Nobuyuki Sato

Professor of Chuo Law School, Executive Vice-President of Chuo University


Ph.D. in Law, 2000, Chuo University, Tokyo Japan
LL.M., 1988, Chuo University
LL.B., 1985, Chuo University


Professor of Law, Chuo Law School, Chuo University, Tokyo Japan

Research Interest

Comparative Constitutional and Administrative Law focusing Canadian Law and Japanese Law; Information Law; Legal Research

Professional Career

  • July 2020 (to the present)
    Chuo President of Chuo University, Tokyo Japan
  • November 2016 (to the present)
    Head of Chuo University’s research project “Comprehensive Analysis of Diversity of Legal Systems in Asia-Pacific Region and Convergence towards Establishment of Rule of Law” which is supported by the government of Japan’s “Private University Research Branding” project
  • January 2011
    Vice President of Chuo University, Tokyo Japan (to November 5th, 2014)
  • April 2008
    Associate Dean, Chuo Law School, Chuo University (to December 2010)
  • April 2006 (to the present)
    Professor of Law, Chuo Law School, Chuo University
  • April 2001
    Professor of Law, Shobi Gakuen University, Saitama Japan (to March 2006)
  • April 1997
    Associate Professor of Law, Kushiro Public University of Economics, Hokkaido Japan (to March 2001)
  • April 1995
    Assistant Professor of Law (tenured), Kushiro Pubic University (to March 1997)
  • April 1992
    Lecturer of Law (non-tenured), Chuo University (to March 2006)

Major Social Activities

  • September 2020 (to the present)
    Chair of the Protection Committee for Certification of Personal Information, Japan Agency for Local Authority Information System
  • February 2020 (to the present)
    Chair of the Personal Identification Information Protection Committee, Japan Agency for Local Authority Information System
  • April 2018
    President of the Japanese Association for Canadian Studies (to the present)
  • June 2012
    Member of the Board of Directors, Japan Society of Comparative Law (to the present)
  • April 2012
    Member of the law school accrediting body of the Japan Law Foundation (to the present)
  • April 1998
    Vice President of the Japanese Association for Canadian Studies (to March 2018)

Selected Edited Books

  • “Kenpo Riron no Saikochiku” (Rethinking of Constitutional Theory), Keubundo Pubclishing, Tokyo Japan, 2019. ISBN 978-4767002286
  • “Hajimete deau Kanada” (First step of Canadian studies), Yuhikaku Publishing, Tokyo Japan, 2009. ISBN 978-4-641-17358-3
  • “Yoyaku Kenpou Hanrei 205” (Selected 205 Constitutional Cases), Gakuyo Shobo Publishing, Tokyo Japan 2007. ISBN 978-4-313-31126-8

Selected Co-authored Books

  • “Kanada wo Tabisuru 37 sho” (37 chapters of Canadian studies), Akashi Publishing, Tokyo Japan. 2012, ISBN: 978-4-750-33697-8
  • “Information: Jyoho kyoiku no tame no kiso tishiki” (Information: Basics for Information Education Program”, NTT Publication, Tokyo Japan, 2003, ISBN: 4-7571-0091-4

Selected Articles

  • “Saibansho niyoru Intanetto Jyoho no Sekaiteki Kisei no Kanousei-  Google v. Equustek Solutions Inc. Kanada Saikousabansho Hanketsu wo Keiki toshite” (How State Courts Regulate Information on Internet –  Lesson from Canada’s Supreme Court decision Google v. Equustek Solutions Inc.), in “Kenpo Riron no Saikochiku” (Rethinking of Constitutional Theory), Keubundo Pubclishing, Tokyo Japan, 2019.
  • “The State of Legal Education in Japan: Problems and “Re”-Renovations in JD Law Schools”, 3-2 Asian Journal of Law and Society (2016)
  • “IC gijyutu to Ho shisutemu – Denshi Shomei-ho to Mai Namba Shisutemu wo Megutte” (ICT and Legal system – A case study on Electronic Signature Act and My Number system), 120-1 & 2 Hogaku Shimpo 579 (2013).
  • “Kanada ni okeru ‘Ho shiryo heno akusesu’ to ‘Ho no shihai’ no iti danmen – CCH Canadian Ltd. v. Law Scoety of Upper Canada wo rei to shite” (‘Access to Legal Materials’ and ‘Rule or Law’ in Canada: Lesson from CCH Canadian Ltd. v. Law Society of Upper Canada”, 2 Shobi Gakuen Daigaku Sogo Seisaku Kiyo 71( 2001).


Professor Nobuyuki Sato is a professor of law at Chuo Law School, Chuo University, Tokyo Japan.  He is teaching Constitution of Japan, Comparative Constitutional Law, Legal Research Courses both on Japanese law and Anglo-American Law, Information Law and others.  He has been organizing the international summer program at the Chuo Law School titled “Introduction to Japanese Law in English” since 2010.  One of his research interests is “establishing legal research system for rule of law and access to justice”.